Hello everyone
In this update we added more natural disasters, fixed bug and additionally improved some small things.

I would say the most beautiful news is the volcano. A natural disaster that can just pop up in between. Somewhere in the nowhere or directly in the vacation paradise. First the volcano gets bigger and bigger until the lava runs out at the end. The lava always runs down the mountain. I.e. who reacts fast and builds a wall around it can prevent the spreading. After some time the lava cools down and the black lava fields remain. These can be built over. The volcano has no negative influence except destruction.

Pollution is not a nice event and has a negative influence on the surrounding buildings. It occurs near buildings and should be removed as soon as possible. This can be done with the demolition tool or you can build a palm tree or a building over it. There are fields that keep spreading. Therefore it is advisable to remove them as soon as possible. The pollution does not destroy buildings, but it destroys the roads. So beware: no tourist will come without a road.

A keyboard has also been added. Don’t worry: For mouse and keyboard players nothing changes. For gamepad players there should be no more hurdles with this update. According to my estimation, a “Steamdeck Compatible” should also be possible with this update. But this must first be verified by Steam. So wait and see.
Apart from these features, there were a few minor improvements and bug fixes that also came from you. Mainly with resolutions of 1440p and larger. Many thanks for that to you guys.Since I develop with a 1080p screen and therefore don’t always use the larger resolutions completely I am always very grateful for feedback: Support@SummerIslands.de
Have fun
- Added: Catastrophe: Volcano eruption
- Added: Catastrophe: Environmental pollution
- Added: Virtual Keyboard for Gamepad
- FIX Resort Analysting
- FIX construction review offset with Zoom and >1080p
- FIX Street could be built in deep water
- FIX MapEditor Saving
- CHANGED Demolition Icon
- CHANGED all Inputfields editable
- CHANGED Positions of the trees are saved
- CHANGED Tree/Palm erases pollution and Tourist