Hello everyone,
this time I was able to integrate some performance improvements in some places. The performance is still not in my wishes. Some places I will work on in the next updates. But these are places to open the menus faster or other small things. The two bigger problems with the map and mouse movement are more complex and require an intervention in the engine.

As already announced the mapeditor is added again. Here I had to adapt the code and the texture. It’s also worth mentioning that it’s much more time consuming to work into existing code instead of creating something new. That’s why I should try harder to finish a feature to 99% instead of creating a first version.I had planned some features for the map editor (event manager). But unfortunately I realized too late that it makes more sense to create a HTML element directly from it instead of a complex and not so performant ingame menu. So I tried to create something with Bootstrap and JQuery. But unfortunately I ran out of time. So this is coming for the next update. Also coming in the next update is the ability to change dark water in the map editor.

I must admit that I follow the YT channel Itchy Boots (https://www.youtube.com/c/ItchyBoots). So I decided to add a next language: Spanish.Since I’m not a Spanish expert, I hope the texts are translated well. Of course I’m always open for feedback!

Since the last update I noticed that the plants were a bit offset. So I corrected that and added some random positions. I think this makes the overall picture not so linear anymore. I also added a change to the alpha value for each wave movement. So the waves have a shading. I must admit I was surprised about the result with such a small change.
Have fun with the new update.
- ReAdded Mapeditor
- Added Language: Spanish
- Added bugs to find
- Performance improvements
- Waves improvement
- Plantpositions more random
- FIX Map movement to the edge
- FIX smaller Bugs