Januar Update 2020 [v0.2.3] Bug Fixes and a summary of our software we use

Hello everybody,

today there is another small important update with the following changes:

  • BUG FIX at Terrainforming: When selecting the Terrainforming Tool only water was displayed.
  • BUG FIX for player colors: Array Index out of Range Error when displaying a player color in the menu.
  • BUG FIX at saving with BOTS: variable undefined if you want to save in a match with bots.
  • Changes of the NW.js library on Windows & Linux back to version v0.33.3

I think for the bug fixes there is no further explanation needed. We are very sorry that we did not find and fix them before. We have a testing workflow. But unfortunately this was not 100% adhered to this time due to time constraints. We are trying to improve!

For the change of the compiler libraby I have to go back a bit further.
As already mentioned Summer Islands is a HTML5 game with CreateJS as frontend library (https://createjs.com/) and NodeJS as backend (https://nodejs.org). For compilation as executable we use the perfect tool Web2Executable from jyapayne (https://github.com/jyapayne/Web2Executable). Basically it is a simple interface to use the NW.js library (https://nwjs.io/blog/).
This is the simple framework of software we use. Since we have published Summer Islands on Steam we need a library to integrate the Steam functions. For example Archievments, Steamcloud and so on. There we use the library Greenworks (https://github.com/greenheartgames/greenworks)

And that’s where the problem starts. The Greenworks version runs with a certain version of NW.js.
The last Greenworks version v0.14.0 (18 Nov 2018) needs the NW.js version v0.33.3.
With this combination we have managed to get the stable FPS in the last months.

For MacOS we had to change NW.js version and took the latest version, NW.js version v0.43.6.
We had found a site that compiles the Greenworks library with the latest NW.js version (https://greenworks-prebuilds.armaldio.xyz).

This way we had no more startup problems with the MacOS version and could focus on internal client-server errors. We were able to fix all of them. Unfortunately this resulted in new bugs that we fixed today.

But the much bigger problem arose with the use of the new NW.js version. Because this had the consequence that the game ran very unstable. So we are talking about FPS drops below 10 FPS. If you opened the finance menu and moved the mouse, the game was unplayable under Windows. So we decided to switch back to NW.js version v0.33.3 for Linux and Windows.
The MacOS version must remain on NW.js version v0.43.6, because otherwise the game won’t start. I am afraid that on MacOS the FPS are not stable and cause unpleasant gameplay problems.

We wish we could solve the problem immediately. But this is the problem when you depend on other libraries. We will try to ensure stability with the latest possible libraries in the future.
But for now we hope that there will be a new Version in the near future.
We wish you a lot of fun with the new version.
