Update mid August [v0.1.6]

Hello together,

In recent weeks we have focused on new consultants in the area of security and sabotage.

As you can see, there is now a separate tab for the advisors in the Finance menu. This was planned from the beginning. But for the Early Access release we have chosen the previous display to keep things simple.
But now in detail:

  • -The security consultant and the sabotage consultant, like the other consultants, also have a notice period of 180 days.
  • -Both have a basic salary and additional bonus payments.
  • Both consultants are promoted. Up to level 15.
  • -The sabotage advisor unlocks further sabotage options at Level 6 and Level 11.
  • -Furthermore, sabotage becomes cheaper for you with every level of him.
  • -On the other hand, every player can hire a security advisor. This makes it more expensive for every other player if someone wants to sabotage his buildings.
  • -In the future, the Security Advisor will have even more advantages for the reputation of the players. But that’s yet to come.

So much for the two new advisors. The BOTS are not yet able to strike back with sabotage. But they will hire one or the other security advisor.

On the BOT side, we have made a few changes in the reconstruction of after a natural disaster or sabotage. The BOTs should now be able to rebuild themselves over time. Of course this can go wrong one or the other time. Because such a recalculation of the situation is not easy for us sometimes :D.

In this direction we now see the potential to expand further consultants and existing consultants in the future. Because with the two additional consultants we have laid the system architecture to simplify this in the future.
When I write these lines, it doesn’t see much of what we have implemented. But appearances are deceptive.
Because as I have already mentioned X times Summer Islands is created in our spare time in addition to our day job.
We continue to work and have new ideas for Summer Islands every day. We are currently working on some soundtracks and SoundFX as well, as this has been requested several times and we had planned this from the beginning.

I hope you have fun with the new update. We are looking forward to every screenshot and mail from you. Recommend Summer Islands to others. Until the next update


Update log:
-SERVER/CLIENT: Security Consultant added
-SERVER/CLIENT: Sabotage Consultant added
-SERVER/CLIENT: Money Calculation Consultant changed
-CLIENT: Sabotage Consultant activates different sabotages
-SERVER: BOTs rebuild after destruction
-CLIENT: BUG FIX Earthfield after destruction
-SERVER/CLIENT: Javascript stability/efficiency
